2023 PAISBOA Annual Data Survey Now Open!
We are pleased to announce the launch of the 2023 Annual PAISBOA Data Survey, which is NOW OPEN for data entry. Thanks to the high participation rates of our members, Survey users can receive robust data from a wide range of schools, allowing them to benchmark their schools against other schools by type, size, and geographic location. This collection of data can provide your school with in-depth analyses of key performance indicators related to independent school financial management and operations, and salaries by position.
Your participation in the survey is extremely important. If you haven't participated in the PAISBOA Annual Data Survey in the past, we strongly encourage you to so do this year, and we hope that 2023 will be the year for you! It's easy to complete!
The 2022 PAISBOA Annual Data Survey remains open if you would like to complete any other sections before you use that data for trending analysis against your upcoming 2023 data. If you need assistance accessing your survey or your results, of if you would like to add staff members to the Survey permission list, please contact our Help Team at [email protected].
Watch Our Launch Party on the PAISBOA Office Hours Program!
For an overview of the 2023 PAISBOA Annual Data Survey, tune into our recording of the PAISBOA Office Hours program from August 16 as Linda Xavier of Dynamic Benchmarking – our survey platform partner – presented an overview of this year’s Survey, including this year's platform updates, how to best prepare for entering your data, the actual data entry itself, and other important aspects of the Survey. Don't miss this inside look at one of the premiere perks of your PAISBOA membership!