The capstone, signature event of our PAISBOA season, PAISBOA Connect 2025 -- the Annual Meeting, takes place Wednesday, May 7 at the Springfield Country Club, and we hope you'll join us!! The day's activities begin at 7:45 am with a networking breakfast and will feature a new and improved Vendor Showcase as well as Hot Topic Roundtable Discussions.
In addition to the joint corporate business meetings of the association, we will install the incoming members of the PAISBOA Board of Directors and the officers of the PAISBOA Services Corporation, and present our annual service awards, including the Service to the Flock Award and our highest honor, the John Batley Award. CLICK HERE for more information about the John Batley Award.
Immediately after the business meeting, which begins at 8:45 am, you can visit with our sponsors and vendor partners at their tables, where you'll learn more about the products and services they offer.
This annual event is a "don't miss" affair!
For more details, the program agenda, and to register, check out our INFO PAGE for up to date information!